DJ/S97-088S Journey of the Lily


Journey of the Lily
DJ/S97-088S SR

Only 3 left in stock

SKU: DJ/S97-088S Category:


Journey of the Lily
DJ/S97-088S SR
Individual Card

あなたは自分のキャラを1枚選び、そのターン中、次の能力を与える。『【永】 後列に【スタンド】しているこのカードがいるなら、このカードはアタックを行うキャラとして選択してよい。そうしたら、このカードはダイレクトアタックする。』

If you do not have a Character with “Miyu” in their card name and a Character with “Haruna in their card name and a Character with “Kurumi” in their card name and a Character with “Miiko” in their card name, you cannot play this card from Hand.
Choose one of your Characters, during this turn, it gains the following effect:
-[C] – If this card is STAND in your Back Row, you may choose this card as an attacking Character. If you did, this card Direct Attacks.

Card No.: DJ/S97-088S Rarity: SR
Color: Red Side: Schwarz
Type: Event Level: 3
Power: Cost: 4
Soul: 0 Trait 1: None
Triggers: Trait 2: None

Additional information

Weight 0.1 oz
Card Number
